Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Facebook comments gone bad

Be careful about your comments on Facebook; it isn't easily forgotten by readers.
Source: Mike Baird, Flickr
An article on CNET news mentions a GOP activist using Facebook to compare the first lady, Michelle Obama, to a gorilla. Matyszczyk (2009) states that Rusty DePass, a prominent Republican Party activist, happened to see a Facebook post describing an escape by a gorilla and commented: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless." This got him into quite a lot of trouble with the local media and the Mayor of Columbia also commented on his behaviour.

Facebook is an innovative idea that focuses on serving the interests of people online. It builds a massive community for the people to interact with their friends and family to share their interests and activities. However, along with the great benefits offered by this service, there are also certain risks attached to the standardization of this social networking, such as privacy and racial issues. There have been a lot of cases about people or companies posting controversial images or comments on the Internet, leading to outrage among religious groups or political parties.

Berkman and Shumway (2003) mention that "those who seek to wear the mantle of information provider for their society...must be particularly attuned to the ethical dimension of their choices and decisions". We should be careful on what we post on the Internet - and particularly social networking sites as it may prove offensive to other people who see it. The Internet may prove to be an invaluable tool for information, but it may work against people as well. In this era where everyone uses Yahoo or Google to look a person up, think about your online activities and how they may affect what people. Past activities over the years, including posts on social forums may even show up on search engine results. People, it's called the World Wide Web for a reason!


1 comment:

  1. I think that Facebook is not wrong, the error is on the user.
