Monday, June 15, 2009

The big impact of social networking media

There's a news article on The Australian website which talks about twittering and the FIFA World Cup in Australia (for those who are ignorant about Twitter, it is a free real-time social messaging utility which lets people tell the world what they are doing).

The main attraction here is using social networking media such as Twitter to conduct national campaigns and encourage people to bid for the 2018 FIFA World Cup to be held in Australia. The power to attract the world to participate in an event through online communities. Brown (2008) mentions that "The great power of social media is by giving the people the time to...get connected to everybody who wants to coexist with other members of the social network". Social networking is a powerful tool, whether it be for socializing or marketing. People get to know a lot of friends on these sites and the links posted to these social networking platforms are sometimes high-ranked in search engines. This makes these type of sites extremely valuable to Internet marketers.

On a more personal level, it can be seen that a lot of Internet users are producing their own content and there is an increasing shift towards online participation. Consumers are also preferring on-demand media such as video clips and podcasts. Google has made a big impact by enabling Internet users to create their own blogs on Blogger, and also provides advertising programs for advertisers and site/blog owners. See how clever Google is? By creating two network tools that complement each other, advertisers have the chance to broadcast their brands online and website owners/bloggers can also get paid for their hard work. Social media is shifting the emphasis from professional content producers to the consumer.


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